Mar 13, 2011

◄---- Zombie computers ---►

What are zombie computers? 
Lets see if you can get it through this picture...This is only a example diagram to only make you understand....

Now let me explain you this in words..

A zombie computer is a system  which is either hacked or compromised by the Hacker without the knowledge of the owner.The computer can be remote operated by the hacker to commit crimes using the compromised computer...The remote user controls the system to perform different malicious tasks like "Illegal Hosting","Click Fraud","Email Fraud and Bombing","Performing DDOS attacks" etc..

A Hacker's Trojan or virus can turn a ordinary computer into a zombie computer.Zombie computers are often a part of a botnet / a zombie network . This network have a collection of many zombie computers (which the hacker have compromised )which are used to commit destructive and dangerous cyber crimes

The harms Explained..

Illegal hosting =  This refers to the illegal hosting of phishing pages or virus on the compromised computer.The hacker uses the compromised computer as a hosting on which he hosts his phishing pages..
Click fraud = Click fraud occurs when a person or a  automated script or computer program imitates a legitimate Web user who clicks on an ad. Attackers use zombies to commit click fraud against sites that display pay-per-click advertising.

DDOS attacks = With this attack the attacker attempt make a computer resource unavailable to its owner or user...MAKE IT DOWN.....Explained here

Email Fraud and Bombing = Email spamming is a the most popular crime now days ... the attacker sends a email promising you won a 100000$ to claim it contact +95647512 ... You call the number and then the call receiver tells you to transfer some amount to his account..May be a 1000$ . you transfer it then you are looted he is rich you are poor ...This is the mail fraud  

Bombing means sending huge amount of mails to the email account making it unavailable to access to the right user 

Symptoms of a Zombie Computers 

Many owners of the zombie computers are aware that their precious computer is being used for some destructive crime.Some symptoms of Zombie computers are

  • You cannot access main antivirus and firewall vendor sites.
  • You notice that your computer Will slow down
  • high CPU usage.
  • Your firewall software stops running or may become disable
  • Your anti-virus software will  corrupt
  • Your ScreenSavers will stop working
  • Malfunction in your Computer
====HOW TO BE SAFE====
You can be also smart than the hackers with some knowledge and a working brain

Changing the passwords - If your computer was a victim of the zombie then the trojan or the virus that was in your computer must have been sending all the logs of your computer including your keystrokes..Change all the passwords you have access using the computer like gmail,PayPal,bank account etc..

Getting your self a good antivirus- Buy yourself a good antivirus with features like anti spyware,anti can use kaspersky,quick heal , nod32 etc

Re update your programs - Update your computer and all the programs you used 

Run the antivirus can daily - Scan your computer daily or once in 2 to 3 days ....

Report the Zombie -If you have discovered a Zombie in your computer immediately contact your ISP and inform them ... they will help you trace back the Hacker

Scan your computer until when you feel you are not secured

Happy Hacking


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