Feb 11, 2011

How effective is your antivirus

Have you ever wondered that is your Antivirus working properly?  So don't worry we have got a perfect working solution which will make you to Check how effective is Your Antiviru.The test for this purpose is called EICAR Test. This test is used by many antivirus developers to find whether there antivirus is working properly or not.Here is a step-by-step procedure to test your antivirus:

1. Open a new text document, Click start menu goto run and type  notepad

Type there the following code and save it as virustestfile.com (expect desktop any where)


2. Now run Antivirus scan

If your antivirus detects it as a virus then your Antivirus is working properly and If it does not detect it as a virus then your antivirus is not effective and you need to look for alternatives  ..

This is not a virus but just a tester.


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